Bienvenido a QSHEC- El equipo detrás del equipo

«seguridad ante todo, calidad siempre.«

Roy Griffin, Head of QSHE

QSHEC es el sistema empleado para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros empleados, la conformidad de los productos y la minimización del impacto medioambiental. Esto se gestiona a través de nuestro Sistema Integrado de Gestión (SIG), con certificación BSI ISO, que garantiza el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable y de las normas de conformidad que inspiran confianza a nuestros clientes.

Nuestra filosofía de «la seguridad ante todo, la calidad siempre» define quiénes somos, poniendo a nuestros empleados al frente y garantizando que se superen las expectativas de los clientes.

Gestión de la calidad

Nuestro compromiso con la excelencia se refleja en nuestros diversos programas de calidad, que incorporan las mejores prácticas de fabricación y pruebas rigurosas para garantizar que nuestros productos se ajustan a su finalidad. Nuestro afán de mejora continua se refleja en las herramientas de calidad implantadas en los proyectos de desarrollo de nuevos productos.

Nuestro sistema de gestión de la calidad cuenta con la certificación ISO 9001:2015 de BSI, lo que refleja nuestro compromiso inquebrantable con la calidad y la satisfacción del cliente.

Product Quality Control (QC)

Nuestros programas integrados de control y aseguramiento de la calidad son cruciales para garantizar que los productos cumplen los requisitos especificados y las expectativas de los clientes. Estos programas ayudan a mantener la consistencia de los productos, reducir los defectos y garantizar el cumplimiento de la normativa del sector, preservando nuestro alto nivel de satisfacción del cliente.

Zendesk – Customer Complaint Management

Si, en raras ocasiones, se produce un error, utilizamos Zendesk para gestionar el proceso y resolver estas dudas de forma rápida y eficaz. Zendesk es nuestro sistema de tickets utilizado para gestionar las interacciones con los clientes y resolver dudas o preguntas. Facilita un flujo de información fluido, asigna responsabilidades y realiza un seguimiento del progreso a lo largo del ciclo de vida del ticket. Esto nos permite supervisar el rendimiento, medir los resultados e identificar tendencias para la mejora continua.

New Product Development (NPD) QA

Nuestro control de calidad NPD es esencial para desarrollar y validar diseños de productos y garantizar su cumplimiento. Nuestro equipo garantiza que los nuevos productos cumplen los requisitos iniciales antes de pasar a la fase de fabricación. Integrado en nuestros equipos de diseño y proyectos, NPD QA añade valor, habilidades y experiencia para mejorar el éxito del proyecto y satisfacer las expectativas del cliente. Las herramientas de calidad empleadas para mejorar este proceso incluyen:

– APQP – Advanced Product Quality Planning
– PPAP – Production Part Approval Process (QC)
– DFMEA – Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
– PFMEA – Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
– DVPR – Design Verification Plan & Report

Salud, seguridad y bienestar

Nuestro equipo es el motor de todo lo que hacemos.

Nuestro objetivo es garantizar que todos los empleados y partes interesadas estén seguros bajo nuestro cuidado y comprendan su papel en la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar. Nuestro sistema de seguridad laboral, de fácil uso, permite el compromiso de todos. Guiados por nuestras reglas de oro, que ayudan a identificar las áreas críticas de riesgo, nuestros programas de seguridad promueven un enfoque proactivo de la gestión de riesgos. Para reforzar aún más este compromiso, hemos desarrollado el Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional que cuenta con la certificación ISO 45001:2018 de BSI que impulsa nuestro compromiso de garantizar cero daños a los empleados, clientes, proveedores y la comunidad.

RoSPA overview

RoSPA es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que lleva más de 100 años dedicada a ayudar a las personas a reconocer y reducir el riesgo de accidentes, en casa, en la carretera, en el trabajo y durante el ocio. Nuestra asociación con RoSPA refleja nuestro compromiso de garantizar que todos los empleados puedan vivir su vida al máximo, con seguridad tanto en el trabajo como fuera de él.


Reconocemos nuestra responsabilidad corporativa y nos comprometemos a gestionar nuestro impacto medioambiental mediante el cumplimiento de la legislación, las mejores prácticas, la gestión responsable y la mejora continua, tal y como se describe en nuestra Estrategia de Sostenibilidad. Nuestro objetivo es crear un futuro más seguro adoptando prácticas más sostenibles en el desarrollo, la fabricación y la entrega de productos. Reduciendo el uso de materiales, reutilizándolos cuando es posible y asociándonos con proveedores de reciclaje certificados, nos dedicamos a minimizar nuestra huella medioambiental. Nuestro sistema de gestión medioambiental cuenta con la certificación ISO 14001:2015 de BSI.

Environment social governance (ESG)

Nos comprometemos a actuar con integridad y a cumplir las normas corporativas más estrictas. Hemos adoptado una serie de declaraciones políticas como parte de nuestros marcos generales de cumplimiento y el Equipo Directivo Superior supervisa los marcos de cumplimiento.


Como empresa, seguimos esforzándonos por hacer todo lo posible para que el mundo sea más seguro, hoy y mañana, con el objetivo de tener un impacto positivo en las personas y el planeta, al tiempo que ayudamos a nuestros clientes a tomar decisiones de compra más responsables y a cumplir sus propios objetivos de sostenibilidad.

Huella de carbono del producto

Examinamos nuestras gamas de productos y realizamos una evaluación detallada de sus componentes y su consiguiente impacto en el medio ambiente. Esto nos ha permitido evaluar individualmente la huella de CO2 de cada producto.

Reducción de carbono

Estamos tomando medidas para reducir las emisiones de nuestras operaciones directas (emisiones de alcance uno y dos). Algunos ejemplos son el uso de coches y furgonetas eléctricos de empresa, la utilización exclusiva de energía 100% renovable y luces y temporizadores de bajo consumo en todas las oficinas.

Residuos operativos mínimos

Buscamos continuamente opciones para reducir los envases y residuos en nuestras propias operaciones y en toda nuestra cadena de suministro, y hemos eliminado los residuos que van a parar a los vertederos del Reino Unido. Los residuos que no pueden reciclarse o reutilizarse se destinan a la producción de energía.

Material reciclado

Nos hemos comprometido a reducir la cantidad de envases que utilizamos y, cuando son necesarios, hemos aumentado los elementos reciclables. Hemos puesto en marcha políticas de reutilización en todo el proceso de fabricación, desde las bolsas de plástico y las cajas de cartón hasta la trituración de nuestros residuos de fabricación para reciclarlos. Nuestras instalaciones internas de triturado garantizan que los productos que no cumplen la normativa puedan reciclarse de nuevo en la producción. El plástico que no podemos reciclar se envía a través de socios autorizados para su uso en otras industrias.


Nuestro compromiso de cumplir todos los requisitos legales y reglamentarios es esencial para abastecer a nuestros clientes. Contamos con una amplia gama de normas legales y de cumplimiento a escala mundial, como CE, UL, ASSE, ACS, VA, Watermark y DVGW. El cumplimiento de estas normas ofrece a nuestros clientes la garantía de que nuestros productos no sólo son de alta calidad, sino que cumplen las normas de seguridad y reglamentación más estrictas de todo el mundo.

Pruebas de vida acelerada de bombas

Máquina de medición coordinada (MMC)

Pruebas de prototipos

Pruebas de compatibilidad química del cliente


Pruebas de cumplimiento


Pruebas de firmware


Pruebas de software

Pruebas de vida mecánica

Innovation in design

With regular investment in research and development, our
team of product specialists and development experts
monitor and anticipate market trends to extend our
internationally successful portfolio. Supported by
experienced teams from within quality and manufacturing,
Brightwell strive to continually deliver outstanding products
that meet our customers’ needs.


A tailored solution to meet your needs  

Many of our products include custom options to make them unique to your brand, from colour and exclusivity options to logo printing and labelling. Have a specific need? We can help with that too. Our experienced in-house development team can work alongside your business to deliver a completely bespoke solution, guiding you through initial ideas and requirements to final manufacturing and market introduction.

Our design capabilities  

Our team of expert designers have years of experience in the development of dosing equipment. Our mechanical, electronic, firmware and software engineers have the ability to bring your ideas to life. Dedicated Project Management streamlines coordination and delivers a controlled process to a timely and successful product launch.

  • Project management
  • Market research and investigations
  • Project viability studies and business justification
  • Ideas and concept generation
  • Mechanical design
  • Electronic hardware development
  • Firmware and Software applications
  • Rapid prototyping and model-making
  • Product verification and validation
  • Product compliance and regulatory support
  • Intellectual property management

Customised cleaning solutions

We take pride in our flexibility and approach to meet your specific requirements. With our expertise, we can develop personalised designs and systems that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a solution for laundry dosing, dishwasher dosing, or chemical dilution, we have the ability to deliver what you need. Our team of specialists are committed to delivering innovative and effective solutions that align with your individual specification. Trust us to deliver a bespoke system to optimise your cleaning process, enhance hygiene standards, and ensure exceptional results. Contact us today and let’s create your next product together.

Innovation in design

With regular investment in research and development, our
team of product specialists and development experts
monitor and anticipate market trends to extend our
internationally successful portfolio. Supported by
experienced teams from within quality and manufacturing,
Brightwell strive to continually deliver outstanding products
that meet our customers’ needs.


A tailored solution to meet your needs  

Many of our products include custom options to make them unique to your brand, from colour and exclusivity options to logo printing and labelling. Have a specific need? We can help with that too. Our experienced in-house development team can work alongside your business to deliver a completely bespoke solution, guiding you through initial ideas and requirements to final manufacturing and market introduction.

Our design capabilities  

Our team of expert designers have years of experience in the development of dosing equipment. Our mechanical, electronic, firmware and software engineers have the ability to bring your ideas to life. Dedicated Project Management streamlines coordination and delivers a controlled process to a timely and successful product launch.

  • Project management
  • Market research and investigations
  • Project viability studies and business justification
  • Ideas and concept generation
  • Mechanical design
  • Electronic hardware development
  • Firmware and Software applications
  • Rapid prototyping and model-making
  • Product verification and validation
  • Product compliance and regulatory support
  • Intellectual property management

Customised cleaning solutions

We take pride in our flexibility and approach to meet your specific requirements. With our expertise, we can develop personalised designs and systems that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a solution for laundry dosing, dishwasher dosing, or chemical dilution, we have the ability to deliver what you need. Our team of specialists are committed to delivering innovative and effective solutions that align with your individual specification. Trust us to deliver a bespoke system to optimise your cleaning process, enhance hygiene standards, and ensure exceptional results. Contact us today and let’s create your next product together.

Innovation in design

With regular investment in research and development, our
team of product specialists and development experts
monitor and anticipate market trends to extend our
internationally successful portfolio. Supported by
experienced teams from within quality and manufacturing,
Brightwell strive to continually deliver outstanding products
that meet our customers’ needs.


A tailored solution to meet your needs  

Many of our products include custom options to make them unique to your brand, from colour and exclusivity options to logo printing and labelling. Have a specific need? We can help with that too. Our experienced in-house development team can work alongside your business to deliver a completely bespoke solution, guiding you through initial ideas and requirements to final manufacturing and market introduction.

Our design capabilities  

Our team of expert designers have years of experience in the development of dosing equipment. Our mechanical, electronic, firmware and software engineers have the ability to bring your ideas to life. Dedicated Project Management streamlines coordination and delivers a controlled process to a timely and successful product launch.

  • Project management
  • Market research and investigations
  • Project viability studies and business justification
  • Ideas and concept generation
  • Mechanical design
  • Electronic hardware development
  • Firmware and Software applications
  • Rapid prototyping and model-making
  • Product verification and validation
  • Product compliance and regulatory support
  • Intellectual property management

Customised cleaning solutions

We take pride in our flexibility and approach to meet your specific requirements. With our expertise, we can develop personalised designs and systems that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a solution for laundry dosing, dishwasher dosing, or chemical dilution, we have the ability to deliver what you need. Our team of specialists are committed to delivering innovative and effective solutions that align with your individual specification. Trust us to deliver a bespoke system to optimise your cleaning process, enhance hygiene standards, and ensure exceptional results. Contact us today and let’s create your next product together.

Acerca de Brightwell

Nos dedicamos a mejorar la higiene y la limpieza en todo el mundo.
Desde la dilución y dosificación química para lavandería y lavavajillas
hasta sistemas de pulverización y espumado, ofrecemos una variedad
de soluciones personalizables para llevar tu experiencia de dosificación
a un nivel superior. Nuestros productos están adaptados a sus
necesidades específicas.

La historia de Brightwell

Nuestra historia comenzó en 1947 y, con una visión clara, estamos ayudando a crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de limpieza e higiene. Basándonos en nuestra herencia familiar, hoy en día somos reconocidos como líderes internacionales en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de dosificación eficientes y de alta calidad.

Nuestra sede central, centro de innovación e instalaciones de fabricación siguen ubicadas en el Reino Unido, donde todo comenzó. Exportamos nuestros productos internacionalmente con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España, y los distribuimos en más de 70 países con el apoyo de una red de distribuidores exclusivos.

Nuestros valores

Nuestros valores corporativos nos guían en nuestras acciones diarias, desde cómo cuidamos de las personas y del planeta, hasta cómo tomamos decisiones. Inspirados por nuestra visión de crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de higiene, representamos estos valores:


Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente para cumplir con nuestros compromisos, tanto interna como externamente

Exito colaborativo

Aprovechar los esfuerzos colectivos para lograr resultados destacados


Curiosidad y creatividad

Siempre ser inquisitivos y desafiantes para innovar



Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión por la excelencia

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas

Supportive-inclusion-value-icon-purple_Supportive Inclusion_Purple

Apoyo a la inclusión

Respetar y permitir que los demás alcancen metas comunes


Sostenibilidad en Brightwell

La sostenibilidad está en el centro de nuestro negocio. Utilizamos sistemas de gestión ambiental certificados ISO 14001:2015 para crear soluciones sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Mediante la reducción de materiales, la reutilización cuando sea posible y el trabajo con proveedores de reciclaje aprobados, nos comprometemos a minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental.

La recuperación y el reciclaje de otros materiales de desecho, como film retráctil, plásticos, cartón, palés de madera y productos electrónicos a través de nuestros socios especializados en reciclaje

Inversión en maquinaria de bajo consumo para reducir nuestro consumo de energía e instalación de iluminación LED de bajo consumo

Sistemas de suministro de agua en circuito cerrado para refrigerar nuestras máquinas de moldeo por inyección

Centro de reciclaje in situ para la recuperación y reprocesado de residuos plásticos

El uso de plástico reciclado en la fabricación

La contribución a iniciativas locales diseñadas para reducir el impacto de nuestras actividades en el medio ambiente


Calidad, Salud, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente (CSSMA)

En Brightwell, nos dedicamos a mejorar de forma continua para aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro sistema integrado CSSMA garantiza el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable y de nuestros sistemas certificados ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015. Certificados por BSI, nuestros clientes pueden confiar en nuestros sólidos conocimientos y habilidades para ofrecer mejoras continuas.

Nuestro excepcional programa de calidad garantiza las mejores prácticas de fabricación, incorporando pruebas rigurosas durante la producción para garantizar que los productos son adecuados para el propósito previsto. Además, nuestras iniciativas medioambientales minimizan el impacto y los residuos, al tiempo que priorizan el bienestar de los empleados, clientes, proveedores y la comunidad.


Máquina de medición coordinada (MMC)


Pruebas de vida acelerada de bombas


Pruebas de funcionalidad extendida


Pruebas de prototipos


Pruebas de compatibilidad química del cliente


Pruebas de cumplimiento


Pruebas de firmware


Pruebas de software


Pruebas de vida mecánica

Acerca de Brightwell

Nos dedicamos a mejorar la higiene y la limpieza en todo el mundo.
Desde la dilución y dosificación química para lavandería y lavavajillas
hasta sistemas de pulverización y espumado, ofrecemos una variedad
de soluciones personalizables para llevar tu experiencia de dosificación
a un nivel superior. Nuestros productos están adaptados a sus
necesidades específicas.

La historia de Brightwell

Nuestra historia comenzó en 1947 y, con una visión clara, estamos ayudando a crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de limpieza e higiene. Basándonos en nuestra herencia familiar, hoy en día somos reconocidos como líderes internacionales en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de dosificación eficientes y de alta calidad.

Nuestra sede central, centro de innovación e instalaciones de fabricación siguen ubicadas en el Reino Unido, donde todo comenzó. Exportamos nuestros productos internacionalmente con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España, y los distribuimos en más de 70 países con el apoyo de una red de distribuidores exclusivos.

Nuestros valores

Nuestros valores corporativos nos guían en nuestras acciones diarias, desde cómo cuidamos de las personas y del planeta, hasta cómo tomamos decisiones. Inspirados por nuestra visión de crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de higiene, representamos estos valores:


Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente para cumplir con nuestros compromisos, tanto interna como externamente

Exito colaborativo

Aprovechar los esfuerzos colectivos para lograr resultados destacados


Curiosidad y Creatividad

Siempre ser inquisitivos y desafiantes para innovar



Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión por la excelencia

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas

Supportive-inclusion-value-icon-purple_Supportive Inclusion_Purple

Apoyo a la inclusión

Respetar y permitir que los demás alcancen metas comunes


Sostenibilidad en Brightwell

La sostenibilidad está en el centro de nuestro negocio. Utilizamos sistemas de gestión ambiental certificados ISO 14001:2015 para crear soluciones sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Mediante la reducción de materiales, la reutilización cuando sea posible y el trabajo con proveedores de reciclaje aprobados, nos comprometemos a minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental.

La recuperación y el reciclaje de otros materiales de desecho, como film retráctil, plásticos, cartón, palés de madera y productos electrónicos a través de nuestros socios especializados en reciclaje

Inversión en maquinaria de bajo consumo para reducir nuestro consumo de energía e instalación de iluminación LED de bajo consumo

Sistemas de suministro de agua en circuito cerrado para refrigerar nuestras máquinas de moldeo por inyección

Centro de reciclaje in situ para la recuperación y reprocesado de residuos plásticos

El uso de plástico reciclado en la fabricación

La contribución a iniciativas locales diseñadas para reducir el impacto de nuestras actividades en el medio ambiente


Calidad, Salud, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente (CSSMA)

En Brightwell, nos dedicamos a mejorar de forma continua para aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro sistema integrado CSSMA garantiza el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable y de nuestros sistemas certificados ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015. Certificados por BSI, nuestros clientes pueden confiar en nuestros sólidos conocimientos y habilidades para ofrecer mejoras continuas.

Nuestro excepcional programa de calidad garantiza las mejores prácticas de fabricación, incorporando pruebas rigurosas durante la producción para garantizar que los productos son adecuados para el propósito previsto. Además, nuestras iniciativas medioambientales minimizan el impacto y los residuos, al tiempo que priorizan el bienestar de los empleados, clientes, proveedores y la comunidad.


Máquina de medición coordinada (MMC)


Pruebas de vida acelerada de bombas


Pruebas de funcionalidad extendida


Pruebas de prototipos


Pruebas de compatibilidad química del cliente


Pruebas de cumplimiento


Pruebas de firmware


Pruebas de software


Pruebas de vida mecánica

Acerca de Brightwell

Nos dedicamos a mejorar la higiene y la limpieza en todo el mundo.
Desde la dilución y dosificación química para lavandería y lavavajillas
hasta sistemas de pulverización y espumado, ofrecemos una variedad
de soluciones personalizables para llevar tu experiencia de dosificación
a un nivel superior. Nuestros productos están adaptados a sus
necesidades específicas.

La historia de Brightwell

Nuestra historia comenzó en 1947 y, con una visión clara, estamos ayudando a crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de limpieza e higiene. Basándonos en nuestra herencia familiar, hoy en día somos reconocidos como líderes internacionales en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de dosificación eficientes y de alta calidad.

Nuestra sede central, centro de innovación e instalaciones de fabricación siguen ubicadas en el Reino Unido, donde todo comenzó. Exportamos nuestros productos internacionalmente con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España, y los distribuimos en más de 70 países con el apoyo de una red de distribuidores exclusivos.

Nuestros valores

Nuestros valores corporativos nos guían en nuestras acciones diarias, desde cómo cuidamos de las personas y del planeta, hasta cómo tomamos decisiones. Inspirados por nuestra visión de crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de higiene, representamos estos valores:


Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente para cumplir con nuestros compromisos, tanto interna como externamente

Exito colaborativo

Aprovechar los esfuerzos colectivos para lograr resultados destacados


Curiosidad y Creatividad

Siempre ser inquisitivos y desafiantes para innovar



Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión por la excelencia

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas

Supportive-inclusion-value-icon-purple_Supportive Inclusion_Purple

Apoyo a la inclusión

Respetar y permitir que los demás alcancen metas comunes


Sostenibilidad en Brightwell

La sostenibilidad está en el centro de nuestro negocio. Utilizamos sistemas de gestión ambiental certificados ISO 14001:2015 para crear soluciones sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Mediante la reducción de materiales, la reutilización cuando sea posible y el trabajo con proveedores de reciclaje aprobados, nos comprometemos a minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental.

La recuperación y el reciclaje de otros materiales de desecho, como film retráctil, plásticos, cartón, palés de madera y productos electrónicos a través de nuestros socios especializados en reciclaje

Inversión en maquinaria de bajo consumo para reducir nuestro consumo de energía e instalación de iluminación LED de bajo consumo

Sistemas de suministro de agua en circuito cerrado para refrigerar nuestras máquinas de moldeo por inyección

Centro de reciclaje in situ para la recuperación y reprocesado de residuos plásticos

El uso de plástico reciclado en la fabricación

La contribución a iniciativas locales diseñadas para reducir el impacto de nuestras actividades en el medio ambiente


Calidad, Salud, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente (CSSMA)

En Brightwell, nos dedicamos a mejorar de forma continua para aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro sistema integrado CSSMA garantiza el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable y de nuestros sistemas certificados ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015. Certificados por BSI, nuestros clientes pueden confiar en nuestros sólidos conocimientos y habilidades para ofrecer mejoras continuas.

Nuestro excepcional programa de calidad garantiza las mejores prácticas de fabricación, incorporando pruebas rigurosas durante la producción para garantizar que los productos son adecuados para el propósito previsto. Además, nuestras iniciativas medioambientales minimizan el impacto y los residuos, al tiempo que priorizan el bienestar de los empleados, clientes, proveedores y la comunidad.


Máquina de medición coordinada (MMC)


Pruebas de vida acelerada de bombas


Pruebas de funcionalidad extendida


Pruebas de prototipos


Pruebas de compatibilidad química del cliente


Pruebas de cumplimiento


Pruebas de firmware


Pruebas de software


Pruebas de vida mecánica

Acerca de Brightwell

Nos dedicamos a mejorar la higiene y la limpieza en todo el mundo.
Desde la dilución y dosificación química para lavandería y lavavajillas
hasta sistemas de pulverización y espumado, ofrecemos una variedad
de soluciones personalizables para llevar tu experiencia de dosificación
a un nivel superior. Nuestros productos están adaptados a sus
necesidades específicas.

La historia de Brightwell

Nuestra historia comenzó en 1947 y, con una visión clara, estamos ayudando a crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de limpieza e higiene. Basándonos en nuestra herencia familiar, hoy en día somos reconocidos como líderes internacionales en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de dosificación eficientes y de alta calidad.

Nuestra sede central, centro de innovación e instalaciones de fabricación siguen ubicadas en el Reino Unido, donde todo comenzó. Exportamos nuestros productos internacionalmente con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España, y los distribuimos en más de 70 países con el apoyo de una red de distribuidores exclusivos.

Nuestros valores

Nuestros valores corporativos nos guían en nuestras acciones diarias, desde cómo cuidamos de las personas y del planeta, hasta cómo tomamos decisiones. Inspirados por nuestra visión de crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de higiene, representamos estos valores:


Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente para cumplir con nuestros compromisos, tanto interna como externamente

Exito colaborativo

Aprovechar los esfuerzos colectivos para lograr resultados destacados


Curiosidad y Creatividad

Siempre ser inquisitivos y desafiantes para innovar



Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión por la excelencia

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas

Supportive-inclusion-value-icon-purple_Supportive Inclusion_Purple

Apoyo a la inclusión

Respetar y permitir que los demás alcancen metas comunes


Sostenibilidad en Brightwell

La sostenibilidad está en el centro de nuestro negocio. Utilizamos sistemas de gestión ambiental certificados ISO 14001:2015 para crear soluciones sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Mediante la reducción de materiales, la reutilización cuando sea posible y el trabajo con proveedores de reciclaje aprobados, nos comprometemos a minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental.

La recuperación y el reciclaje de otros materiales de desecho, como film retráctil, plásticos, cartón, palés de madera y productos electrónicos a través de nuestros socios especializados en reciclaje

Inversión en maquinaria de bajo consumo para reducir nuestro consumo de energía e instalación de iluminación LED de bajo consumo

Sistemas de suministro de agua en circuito cerrado para refrigerar nuestras máquinas de moldeo por inyección

Centro de reciclaje in situ para la recuperación y reprocesado de residuos plásticos

El uso de plástico reciclado en la fabricación

La contribución a iniciativas locales diseñadas para reducir el impacto de nuestras actividades en el medio ambiente


Calidad, Salud, Seguridad y Medio Ambiente (CSSMA)

En Brightwell, nos dedicamos a mejorar de forma continua para aumentar la satisfacción del cliente. Nuestro sistema integrado CSSMA garantiza el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable y de nuestros sistemas certificados ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015. Certificados por BSI, nuestros clientes pueden confiar en nuestros sólidos conocimientos y habilidades para ofrecer mejoras continuas.

Nuestro excepcional programa de calidad garantiza las mejores prácticas de fabricación, incorporando pruebas rigurosas durante la producción para garantizar que los productos son adecuados para el propósito previsto. Además, nuestras iniciativas medioambientales minimizan el impacto y los residuos, al tiempo que priorizan el bienestar de los empleados, clientes, proveedores y la comunidad.


Máquina de medición coordinada (MMC)


Pruebas de vida acelerada de bombas


Pruebas de funcionalidad extendida


Pruebas de prototipos


Pruebas de compatibilidad química del cliente


Pruebas de cumplimiento


Pruebas de firmware


Pruebas de software


Pruebas de vida mecánica

Certification and Compliances

Discover our commitment to excellence through industry certifications and regulatory
adherence. Set to communicate with customers transparency and trust in every
aspect of our operation.


We are committed to responsible business practices and adherence to industry standards, as demonstrated by our extensive certifications below. Our environmental sustainability certificates highlight our focus on a greener future, while our product compliance certificates affirm our compliance with rigorous quality and safety regulations.

Explore our certifications and see how we are leading the way toward a sustainable and compliant future.

Certification Partners

Below are the partners that have certified us, affirming our commitment to quality and excellence.

Environmental Certificates

The Managing Director takes responsibility to ensure appropriate resources are committed to implementing environmental policies.

We have an established zero-tolerance on violations to the UK’s human trafficking and anti-modern slavery laws.

Brightwell is dedicated to fostering a positive workplace culture for its employees while upholding both national and international employment laws.

We conduct thorough due diligence to ensure that our suppliers comply with SEC regulations.

Outlines three key sustainability principles along with a strategy to implement them.

Establishes the protocols for protecting Brightwell against corruption and bribery

Overall Business Compliance Certificates

Brightwell is a registered member of B2B Compliance and is fully compliant with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2023, along with all subsequent amendments.

The certificate certifies that Brightwell has implemented an Occupational Health and Safety Management System that meets the standards of ISO 45001.

Membership with The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, contributing to their mission of saving lives and minimizing injuries.

Our commitment to quality assurance is to provide products and solutions that consistently meet customer satisfaction in all our activities by implementing a robust quality system.

Brightwell maintains a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of ISO 9001.

Product Compliance Certificates

Confirms that EcoMulti and EcoMix complies with health and safety standards or sanitary requirements.

The EcoMix and EcoMulti range has been certified by the ASSE to be in compliance with relevant codes, policies, and health standards.

The EcoMix and EcoMulti range has been approved to bear the ASSE seal, indicating their compliance with relevant codes, policies, and health standards.

This declaration shows under current regulations our products don’t require to bare CE marking.

Verification of EMC Compliance for the DrainWatch Range.

EcoMix and EcoMulti designed and manufactured in accordance with guidelines of the Standard to prevent contamination of potable water.

Declares the Tomatter Range / EcoMini complies with the essential requirements of the EU Directive.

BrightLogic meets the requirements for UL certification

Nexus meets the requirements for UL certification

BrightLogic is covered by UL’s Listing and Follow-Up Service

EcoMix and EcoMulti meet the necessary contractual, safety, and legal standard.

The right to use and arrange the use of the WaterMark for EcoMix and EcoMulti ranges

Innovation in design

With regular investment in research and development, our
team of product specialists and development experts
monitor and anticipate market trends to extend our
internationally successful portfolio. Supported by
experienced teams from within quality and manufacturing,
Brightwell strive to continually deliver outstanding products
that meet our customers’ needs.


A tailored solution to meet your needs  

Many of our products include custom options to make them unique to your brand, from colour and exclusivity options to logo printing and labelling. Have a specific need? We can help with that too. Our experienced in-house development team can work alongside your business to deliver a completely bespoke solution, guiding you through initial ideas and requirements to final manufacturing and market introduction.

Our design capabilities  

Our team of expert designers have years of experience in the development of dosing equipment. Our mechanical, electronic, firmware and software engineers have the ability to bring your ideas to life. Dedicated Project Management streamlines coordination and delivers a controlled process to a timely and successful product launch.

  • Project management
  • Market research and investigations
  • Project viability studies and business justification
  • Ideas and concept generation
  • Mechanical design
  • Electronic hardware development
  • Firmware and Software applications
  • Rapid prototyping and model-making
  • Product verification and validation
  • Product compliance and regulatory support
  • Intellectual property management

Customised Cleaning Solutions

We take pride in our flexibility and approach to meet your specific requirements. With our expertise, we can develop personalised designs and systems that are tailored to your specific needs. Whether you need a solution for laundry dosing, dishwasher dosing, or chemical dilution, we have the ability to deliver what you need. Our team of specialists are committed to delivering innovative and effective solutions that align with your individual specification. Trust us to deliver a bespoke system to optimise your cleaning process, enhance hygiene standards, and ensure exceptional results. Contact us today and let’s create your next product together.

¡Su opinión es importante!

¡Gracias por compartir sus comentarios con nosotros!

Agradecemos su opinión y la utilizaremos para mejorar nuestro sitio web y atender mejor a nuestros clientes. Tenga en cuenta que no podemos responder a los comentarios de manera individual. Si necesita ayuda para resolver un problema, póngase en contacto con nosotros.

¡Su opinión es importante!

Website Terms of Use

Brightwell Dispensers Limited (registered in England under Co No. 661996) and whose registered office is at Unit 9, Euro Business Park, Estate Road, Newhaven, BN9 0DQ, East Sussex, England (Brightwell) maintain this site (Site) for your personal information and communication.

Your use of the Site is subject to these Terms of Use. By using the Site, you will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use. Brightwell may make changes to these Terms of Use from time to time. Brightwell may notify you of such changes by any reasonable means, including by posting the revised version of these Terms of Use on the Site. You can determine when these Terms of Use were last changed by referring to the ‘LAST UPDATED’ statement above. Your use of the Site following changes to these Terms of Use will constitute your acceptance of those changes.
You are responsible for all access to the Site using your internet connection, even if the access is by another person.
Brightwell reserves the right to restrict your access to the Site or part of it. Access to restricted areas of the Site may be subject to registration and other conditions. If Brightwell grant you permission to access a restricted area, it may withdraw that permission at any time (including where you breach any of these Terms of Use).

Brightwell will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the Site is available at all times. However, it cannot guarantee that the Site or any individual function or feature of the Site will always be available and/or error free. In particular, the Site may be unavailable during periods when Brightwell are implementing upgrades to or carrying out essential maintenance on the Site.

You should assume that everything you see or read on the Site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted, and may not be used without the written permission of Brightwell. Brightwell neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Site will not infringe rights of third parties.
While Brightwell uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information in the Site, it provides the Site on an ‘as is’ basis and makes no representations as to the quality, completeness or accuracy of any content made available on the Site. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Brightwell expressly excludes:

7.1 all conditions, warranties and other terms that might otherwise be implied by law into these Terms of Use; and

7.2 any and all liability to you, whether arising under these Terms of Use or otherwise in connection with your use of the Site (including any damages to or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the Site or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video or audio from the Site).

The foregoing is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to exclude or limit any liability that may not by law be excluded or limited, and in particular none of the exclusions and limitations in this clause are intended to limit any rights you may have as a consumer under local law or other statutory rights which may not be excluded, nor in any way to exclude or limit Brightwell’s liability to you for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence or that of its employees or agents.

The purchase of goods or services from Brightwell through the Site shall be subject exclusively to Brightwell’s terms and conditions of trading a copy of which can be viewed clicking here.
Your permission to use the Site is personal to you and non-transferable. Your use of the Site is conditional on your compliance with the rules of conduct set forth in these Terms of Use and you agree that you will not:

9.1 use the Site for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose;

9.2 use the Site to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of others, including without limitation others’ privacy rights or rights of publicity;

9.3 impersonate any person or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity in connection with the Site or express or imply that Brightwell endorse any statement you make;

9.4 interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Site or the servers or networks used to make the Site available or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks;

9.5 transmit or otherwise make available in connection with the Site any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other computer code that is harmful or invasive or may or is intended to damage the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software, or equipment;

9.6 reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of, use of, or access to the Site;

9.7 modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the Site.;

9.8 remove any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary rights notice from the Site or materials originating from the Site;

9.9 frame or mirror any part of the Site without Brightwell’s express prior written consent;

9.10 create a database by systematically downloading and storing Site content;

9.11 use any manual or automatic device in any way to gather Site content or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Site without Brightwell’s express prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Brightwell grant the operators of public online search engines limited permission to use search retrieval applications to reproduce materials from the Site for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of such materials solely in connection with each operator’s public online search service.
Brightwell reserves the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific instances.

The Site may provide links to other websites and online resources. Brightwell are not responsible for and do not endorse such external sites or resources. Your use of third party websites and resources is at your own risk.
Brightwell may block any links to or from the Site. Additionally, it may provide tools to allow you to link to the Site directly from a third party sit and if you do link to the Site (whether using such tools or otherwise), you agree that you will disable and remove any such link promptly upon Brightwell’s request.
Brightwell may collect and use information about you in accordance with its privacy policy. You can view a copy of this policy by clicking here.
These Terms of Use are effective until terminated. Brightwell may, at any time and for any reason, terminate your access to or use of the Site. If it terminates your access to the Site you will not have the right to bring claims against Brightwell or its affiliates with respect to such termination. Brightwell and its affiliates shall not be liable for any termination of your access to the Site.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Brightwell and its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers and licensors (collectively Indemnified Parties) harmless from and against any and all claims’ liability’ losses’ costs and expenses incurred by any Indemnified Party in connection with any breach by you of these Terms of Use
These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England, and the courts of England will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or dispute arising under or in connection with these Terms of Use.

Acerca de Brightwell

Nos dedicamos a mejorar la higiene y la limpieza en todo el mundo.
Desde la dilución y dosificación química para lavandería y lavavajillas
hasta sistemas de pulverización y espumado, ofrecemos una variedad
de soluciones personalizables para llevar tu experiencia de dosificación
al siguiente nivel. Nuestros productos están adaptados a tus
necesidades únicas

La historia de Brightwell

Nuestra historia comenzó en 1947 y, con una visión clara, estamos ayudando a crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de limpieza e higiene. Basándonos en nuestra herencia familiar, hoy en día somos reconocidos como líderes internacionales en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de dosificación eficientes y de alta calidad.

Nuestra sede central, centro de innovación e instalaciones de fabricación siguen ubicadas en el Reino Unido, donde todo comenzó. Exportamos nuestros productos internacionalmente con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España, y los distribuimos en más de 70 países con el apoyo de una red de distribuidores exclusivos.

Our values

Our corporate values guide us in our daily actions, from how we care for people and the planet,
to how we make decisions. Inspired by our vision to create a cleaner world through our hygiene
solutions, we live these values:


Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente a cumplir con lo comprometido, tanto a nivel interno como externo.



Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones.

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión de superación

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas.

Colaboración para lograr el éxito

Trabajo en equipo para lograr las metas.


Curiosidad & Creatividad

Siempre curioso y exigente para innovar.

Supportive-inclusion-value-icon-purple_Supportive Inclusion_Purple

Conclusión de apoyo

Respeto y cooperación para conseguir objetivos comunes


Sostenibilidad en Brightwell

En Brightwell, la sostenibilidad está en el centro de nuestro negocio. Utilizamos sistemas de gestión ambiental certificados ISO 14001:2015 para crear soluciones sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Mediante la reducción de materiales, la reutilización cuando sea posible y el trabajo con proveedores de reciclaje aprobados, nos comprometemos a minimizar nuestro impacto ambiental.

La creación de un centro de reciclaje en el lugar para la recuperación y el reprocesamiento de ciertos residuos plásticos de producción

El uso de plástico reciclado en la fabricación

La recuperación y el reciclaje de otros materiales de desecho, como film retráctil, plásticos, cartón, paletas de madera y productos electrónicos. Estos son reprocesados y reutilizados a través de nuestros socios especializados en reciclaje

La inversión en maquinaria energéticamente eficiente para reducir nuestro consumo de energía

El uso de un sistema de suministro de agua en circuito cerrado para refrigerar nuestras máquinas de moldeo por inyección

La instalación de iluminación LED de bajo consumo energético

La contribución a iniciativas locales diseñadas para reducir el impacto de nuestras actividades en el medio ambiente


Garantía de calidad de Brightwell

En Brightwell, nos apasiona realizar mejoras progresivas que añaden valor a nuestros clientes. Nuestro programa de calidad de primera clase garantiza que producimos lo mejor, mientras que nuestras iniciativas ambientales reducen nuestro impacto y evitan que los residuos vayan a los vertederos.

Lo más importante de todo esto es nuestro esfuerzo por lograr cero daños a nuestros empleados, clientes, proveedores y la comunidad en general.

Nuestro sistema integrado QSHE garantiza el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable y nuestros sistemas certificados ISO 9001:2015 e ISO 14001:2015. Con la certificación de BSI, nuestros clientes pueden confiar en nuestros sólidos conocimientos y habilidades para ofrecer mejoras continuas. Nuestro programa de control de calidad garantiza rigurosas pruebas durante la producción para asegurar que los productos sean aptos para el propósito previsto antes de salir de nuestras instalaciones.


Máquina de medición coordinada (MMC)


Pruebas de vida acelerada de bombas


Pruebas de funcionalidad extendida


Pruebas de prototipos


Pruebas de compatibilidad química del cliente


Pruebas de cumplimiento


Pruebas de firmware


Pruebas de software


Pruebas de vida mecánica

Gracias por enviarnos su consulta. Agradecemos su interés y nuestro equipo responderá a su solicitud lo antes posible.

Mientras tanto, no dude en seguirnos en LinkedIn para recibir noticias y actualizaciones sobre Hylab.

Saludos cordiales,

El Equipo Brightwell.

­¡Gracias por suscribirse a nuestro boletín informativo!

Prometemos respetar su privacidad y solamente utilizaremos su dirección de correo electrónico para enviarle información actualizada sobre nuestros productos, lanzamientos y otroas actualizacines relevantes.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros en info@brightwell.es

Saludos cordiales,

El Equipo Brightwell.

Suscribirse para recibir noticias

* indica requerido

Condiciones de Uso del Sitio Web

Brightwell Dispensers Limited (registered in England under Co No. 661996) and whose registered office is at Unit 9, Euro Business Park, Estate Road, Newhaven, BN9 0DQ, East Sussex, England (Brightwell) maintain this site (Site) for your personal information and communication.

Your use of the Site is subject to these Terms of Use. By using the Site, you will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by these Terms of Use. Brightwell may make changes to these Terms of Use from time to time. Brightwell may notify you of such changes by any reasonable means, including by posting the revised version of these Terms of Use on the Site. You can determine when these Terms of Use were last changed by referring to the ‘LAST UPDATED’ statement above. Your use of the Site following changes to these Terms of Use will constitute your acceptance of those changes.
You are responsible for all access to the Site using your internet connection, even if the access is by another person.
Brightwell reserves the right to restrict your access to the Site or part of it. Access to restricted areas of the Site may be subject to registration and other conditions. If Brightwell grant you permission to access a restricted area, it may withdraw that permission at any time (including where you breach any of these Terms of Use).

Brightwell will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the Site is available at all times. However, it cannot guarantee that the Site or any individual function or feature of the Site will always be available and/or error free. In particular, the Site may be unavailable during periods when Brightwell are implementing upgrades to or carrying out essential maintenance on the Site.

You should assume that everything you see or read on the Site is copyrighted unless otherwise noted, and may not be used without the written permission of Brightwell. Brightwell neither warrants nor represents that your use of materials displayed on the Site will not infringe rights of third parties.
While Brightwell uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information in the Site, it provides the Site on an ‘as is’ basis and makes no representations as to the quality, completeness or accuracy of any content made available on the Site. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Brightwell expressly excludes:

7.1 all conditions, warranties and other terms that might otherwise be implied by law into these Terms of Use; and

7.2 any and all liability to you, whether arising under these Terms of Use or otherwise in connection with your use of the Site (including any damages to or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property on account of your access to, use of, or browsing in the Site or your downloading of any materials, data, text, images, video or audio from the Site).

The foregoing is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property and claims of third parties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in these Terms of Use is intended to exclude or limit any liability that may not by law be excluded or limited, and in particular none of the exclusions and limitations in this clause are intended to limit any rights you may have as a consumer under local law or other statutory rights which may not be excluded, nor in any way to exclude or limit Brightwell’s liability to you for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence or that of its employees or agents.

The purchase of goods or services from Brightwell through the Site shall be subject exclusively to Brightwell’s terms and conditions of trading a copy of which can be viewed clicking here.
Your permission to use the Site is personal to you and non-transferable. Your use of the Site is conditional on your compliance with the rules of conduct set forth in these Terms of Use and you agree that you will not:

9.1 use the Site for any fraudulent or unlawful purpose;

9.2 use the Site to defame, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or otherwise violate the rights of others, including without limitation others’ privacy rights or rights of publicity;

9.3 impersonate any person or entity, falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with any person or entity in connection with the Site or express or imply that Brightwell endorse any statement you make;

9.4 interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Site or the servers or networks used to make the Site available or violate any requirements, procedures, policies or regulations of such networks;

9.5 transmit or otherwise make available in connection with the Site any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other computer code that is harmful or invasive or may or is intended to damage the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software, or equipment;

9.6 reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell, or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion of, use of, or access to the Site;

9.7 modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any portion of the Site.;

9.8 remove any copyright, trade mark or other proprietary rights notice from the Site or materials originating from the Site;

9.9 frame or mirror any part of the Site without Brightwell’s express prior written consent;

9.10 create a database by systematically downloading and storing Site content;

9.11 use any manual or automatic device in any way to gather Site content or reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Site without Brightwell’s express prior written consent. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Brightwell grant the operators of public online search engines limited permission to use search retrieval applications to reproduce materials from the Site for the sole purpose of and solely to the extent necessary for creating publicly available searchable indices of such materials solely in connection with each operator’s public online search service.
Brightwell reserves the right to revoke these exceptions either generally or in specific instances.

The Site may provide links to other websites and online resources. Brightwell are not responsible for and do not endorse such external sites or resources. Your use of third party websites and resources is at your own risk.
Brightwell may block any links to or from the Site. Additionally, it may provide tools to allow you to link to the Site directly from a third party sit and if you do link to the Site (whether using such tools or otherwise), you agree that you will disable and remove any such link promptly upon Brightwell’s request.
Brightwell may collect and use information about you in accordance with its privacy policy. You can view a copy of this policy by clicking here.
These Terms of Use are effective until terminated. Brightwell may, at any time and for any reason, terminate your access to or use of the Site. If it terminates your access to the Site you will not have the right to bring claims against Brightwell or its affiliates with respect to such termination. Brightwell and its affiliates shall not be liable for any termination of your access to the Site.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Brightwell and its affiliates and their respective officers, directors, owners, agents, information providers and licensors (collectively Indemnified Parties) harmless from and against any and all claims’ liability’ losses’ costs and expenses incurred by any Indemnified Party in connection with any breach by you of these Terms of Use
These Terms of Use will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England, and the courts of England will have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or dispute arising under or in connection with these Terms of Use.

Solución personalizada

¿Está buscando una solución de limpieza o higiene adaptada específicamente
a sus necesidades únicas o a la identidad de su marca?

Nuestro equipo de expertos trabajará en estrecha colaboración con usted para
diseñar un sistema completamente personalizado que se ajuste a sus necesidades,
presupuesto y plazos. Ya sea una pequeña empresa o una operación a gran escala,
contamos con la experiencia y la experiencia para crear una solución que se
adapte perfectamente a usted.



Soluciones: Diseñadas especialmente para ti

Cada cliente tiene requisitos únicos de limpieza y saneamiento. Por eso ofrecemos soluciones completamente personalizadas, adaptadas para satisfacer las necesidades específicas de cada cliente. Nuestro equipo de expertos trabajará estrechamente contigo para diseñar un sistema que incorpore nuestros sistemas de dilución química, limpieza por pulverización y espumado, soluciones de dosificación para lavandería y soluciones para lavavajillas de la manera que mejor se adapte a tus necesidades. Comenzamos realizando una evaluación integral de tus necesidades y objetivos, y luego trabajamos en estrecha colaboración contigo para desarrollar una solución que cumpla con tus requisitos, presupuesto y plazos. Ya sea que tengas un pequeño negocio o una operación a gran escala, tenemos la experiencia y la experiencia para diseñar una solución que sea adecuada para ti.

Prueba de compatibilidad
química gratuita

Nuestras pruebas gratuitas de compatibilidad química garantizarán
que sus soluciones de dosificación de productos químicos se suministren
con los componentes más adecuados y garantizarán que obtenga
la vida útil más prolongada posible.

Esto incluye pruebas de bombeo para determinar el ciclo de vida acelerado de
nuestros componentes con su producto y pruebas
de inmersión para identificar cualquier problema de compatibilidad
con los materiales base. También podemos realizar pruebas
adicionales para determinar qué materiales son los más adecuados
para su producto químico. Siempre hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo
para encontrar el material más duradero para satisfacer sus necesidades.


Promocione su marca

Nuestras capacidades internas de impresión nos permiten aplicar su marca de empresa o productos químicos a cualquier producto. Promocionar su marca mejorará la reputación de su negocio. Tener su logotipo y detalles de contacto impresos en los productos es una forma fácil y efectiva de contactar a su equipo cuando sea necesario. Además, se pueden imprimir cualquier información necesaria sobre los productos químicos para garantizar la seguridad.

Opciones de exclusividad

Algunos de nuestros productos cuentan con una opción de exclusividad. Posiciones únicas de clavija o códigos de acceso bloquean el equipo para su uso exclusivo con su recarga química. Esto evita que se utilicen otros productos químicos con su solución de dosificación, garantizando su retorno de inversión y futuras ventas. Esta opción está sujeta a cantidades mínimas de pedido y está disponible en rangos específicos.


Formación y Apoyo

Su gestor de cuenta será su contacto de confianza,
siempre disponible cuando lo necesite. Ofrecemos servicios
desde sesiones regulares de formación y apoyo en la propia
instalación, venta y mantenimiento de sistemas, asistencia técnica
detallada e instalación y programación de nuestros productos.

Gracias a nuestras oficinas internacionales y nuestra red de
distribuidores exclusivos en todo el mundo, podemos llevar a cabo
estas sesiones de formación en el lugar e idioma más conveniente
para usted.

Innovación en diseño  

Con una inversión regular en investigación y desarrollo,
nuestro equipo de especialistas en el producto y expertos
en desarrollo vigilan y se anticipan a las tendencias del mercado
para ampliar nuestros productos de éxito internacional. Nuestros expertos
diseñadores trabajan constantemente en el desarrollo de nuevos productos
para cubrir las necesidades de nuestros clientes.


Diseño personalizado para cubrir sus necesidades 

Muchos de nuestros productos incluyen opciones de diseño personalizado para hacerlos únicos para su marca, desde colores hasta opciones de exlusividad en logotipos y etiquetado. ¿Tiene alguna necesidad específica? Podemos ayudarle con eso también. Nuestro experimentado equipo de diseño le brindará apoyo, desde las ideas iniciales hasta la fabricación del sistema de dosificación final y su introducción al mercado.

Nuestras competencias en diseño

Nuestro equipo de diseñadores expertos tiene años de experiencia en el diseño y desarrollo de sistemas de dispensación y dosificación. Nuestros ingenieros en mecánica, electrónica, firmware y software tienen la habilidad de hacer realidad sus ideas.
La gestión dedicada a proyectos optimiza la coordinación con una entrega del producto a tiempo y un lanzamiento exitoso.

Gestión de proyectos

Investigación del mercado

Estudios de viabilidad de proyectos y justificación de negocios

Generación de conceptos e ideas

Diseño mecánico

Desarrollo de hardware electrónico

Aplicaciones de firmware y software

Prototipado rápido y creación de modelos

Verificación y validación del producto

Apoyo regulatorio y cumplimiento del producto

Gestión de propiedad intelectual


Soluciones de limpieza personalizadas

Nos enorgullece nuestra capacidad de adaptación y nuestra habilidad para crear sistemas diseñados a medida que se ajusten a sus requisitos específicos de limpieza e higiene. Tenemos experiencia probada en dosificación de lavandería, dosificación de lavavajillas, ó dilución química, para adaptarnos a sus necesidades.
Nuestro equipo especializado de expertos trabajará estrechamente con usted para desarrollar soluciones innovadoras y eficientes perfectamente adaptadas a sus necesidades concretas. Cuente con nosotros para proporcionarle un sistema personalizado que optimice sus procesos de limpieza, eleve los estándares de higiene y brinde resultados excepcionales. Permítanos unir fuerzas con usted para diseñar una solución que supere sus expectativas. Contáctenos hoy y creemos nuestros próximo producto juntos.

Terms & Conditions of Business for Sale of Goods and Services

  1. Definitions

    1.1 In these conditions:

    BRIGHTWELL means Brightwell Dosing Limited (registered in England under No.661996) whose registered office is at Unit 9, Euro Business Park, Estate Road, Newhaven, BN9 0DQ, East Sussex, England

    BUYER means the person whose order for goods and/or services is accepted by Brightwell

    CONDITIONS means Brightwell’s standard terms and conditions set out in this document

    CONTRACT means the contract for the purchase and sale of the goods and/or the supply of Services

    DELIVERY DATE means the date specified by Brightwell upon which the goods are to be despatched

    GOODS means the articles (including any instalments of the articles or any part for them) which Brightwell is to supply in accordance with these conditions

    INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY all industrial and intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered including without limitation patents, trademarks, design rights and copyright and any application for any of the foregoing

    SERVICES means the design, consultancy, project management or other services to be supplied by Brightwell pursuant to these conditions

    SPECIFICATION means any specification for the goods or in respect of any services detailing the goods and/or services to be provided by Brightwell agreed from time to time in writing between Brightwell and the Buyer (or as otherwise deemed agreed under clause 3) including any details of the goods/services to be provided, time estimates for reaching relevant stages and relevant payment provisions

    WRITING includes email transmissions.

    1.2 Any reference in these conditions to any provision of a statute shall be construed as a reference to that provision as amended, re-enacted or extended at the relevant time.

    1.3 The clause headings in these conditions are for convenience only and shall not affect their interpretation.

  2. Basis of Sale

    2.1 Any order for goods and/or services shall be deemed to be an offer by the Buyer to purchase the goods and/or services pursuant to these conditions and any relevant specification. If Brightwell accepts such an order, Brightwell shall issue an acknowledgement of order and a contract shall be deemed to have been created and these conditions shall apply to that contract to the exclusion of all other terms and conditions including any terms and conditions which the Buyer may purport to apply. For the avoidance of doubt these conditions shall (unless otherwise agreed in writing between the parties) apply to each and every contract for the supply of goods and/or services by Brightwell to the Buyer and any terms of trading or other similar document forwarded to Brightwell by the Buyer after the issue by Brightwell of an acknowledgement of order shall not apply to or act as a variation of the contract.

    2.2 No variation to these conditions shall be binding unless agreed in writing between the authorised representatives of the Buyer and Brightwell.

    2.3 Brightwell’s employees or agents are not authorised to make any representations concerning the goods and/or services unless confirmed by Brightwell in writing and Brightwell’s liability if any shall be governed by the terms of such written representations. In entering into the contract the Buyer acknowledges that it does not rely on, and waives any claim for breach of any such representations which are not so confirmed.

    2.4 Any advice or recommendation given by Brightwell or its employees or agent to the Buyer or its employees or agents as to the storage, application or use of the goods which is not confirmed in writing by Brightwell is followed or acted upon entirely at the Buyer’s own risk.

    2.5 Any typographical, clerical or other error or omission in any specification, drawing, design or in any sales literature, quotation, price list, acknowledgement of order, invoice or other document or information issued by Brightwell, shall be subject to correction without any liability on the part of Brightwell.

    2.6 Certain goods within Brightwell’s product range will require the user thereof to accept a User Licence Agreement prior to use. Where applicable, such User Licence Agreement will include details as to how any customer data is held, protected and used. Failure to accept the terms of any User Licence Agreement will result in the relevant goods being incapable of use and Brightwell will not be liable for any loss that arises from any refusal to accept any User Licence Agreement. The terms of the User Licence Agreement are available upon request and should be considered prior to the Buyer ordering the relevant goods.

  3. Orders and Specifications

    3.1 No order submitted by the Buyer shall be deemed to be accepted by Brightwell unless and until confirmed in writing by Brightwell’s authorised representative.

    3.2 The Buyer shall be responsible to Brightwell for ensuring the accuracy of the terms of any order (including any applicable specification) submitted by the Buyer and for giving Brightwell any necessary information relating to the goods and/or services within a sufficient and reasonable time to enable Brightwell to perform the contract.

    3.3 Where Brightwell provides any written specification (whether in respect of goods, services or otherwise) or drawings or designs to the Buyer it shall be the sole responsibility of the Buyer to check the accuracy and suitability of the same for the Buyer’s purposes and Brightwell provides no warranty in respect of such accuracy or suitability. Unless the Buyer, in writing to Brightwell raises any reasonable objection to any such specification, drawing or design or otherwise requires any reasonable amendment thereto within 14 days of submission to the Buyer (time being of the essence), Brightwell shall assume that any such specification, drawing or design has been agreed and approved by the Buyer. Where any specification, drawing or design is agreed and approved (whether expressly or by implication under this clause) any subsequent amendments or alterations proposed by the Buyer may only be made if specifically agreed in writing by Brightwell (at Brightwell‘s sole discretion) and Brightwell shall be entitled to require payment from the Buyer of the reasonable and proper charges and expenses incurred by Brightwell in making any subsequent amendments or alterations.

    3.4 The Buyer is solely responsible for ensuring that, at or before the time of placing the order, Brightwell is made aware in writing of any required standards or tolerances in respect of any goods to be supplied by Brightwell to the Buyer. Brightwell shall not be liable for any goods failing to meet any standards or tolerances required by the Buyer unless Brightwell is made aware of the same in writing, at or before the time of placing the order, or subsequently agrees in writing that the goods will meet such required standards or tolerances.

    3.5 The quantity, price, currency, quality and description of and any specification for the goods shall be those set out in Brightwell’s acknowledgement of order or as may be subsequently agreed in writing between Brightwell and the Buyer or as provided in clause 3.3.

    3.6 A specification shall set out any services to be performed by Brightwell and shall be agreed in writing between Brightwell and the Buyer before any order for the services is accepted and, in any event, before performance is commenced. Any subsequent variations to a service specification shall be subject to the prior written agreement of the parties. Unless otherwise specified any fees and expenses payable and any applicable timescales for the provision of the services shall be estimates only and time shall not be of the essence.

    3.7 Brightwell reserves the right to make any changes in the specification for the goods or services which are required to conform with any applicable statutory or EC requirements or, where any goods and/or services are to be supplied to Brightwell’s specification, which do not materially affect their quality or performance.

    3.8 Except for cancellation pursuant to Clauses 4.2 and 6 hereunder no order which has been accepted by Brightwell may be cancelled by the Buyer except with the agreement in writing of Brightwell and on terms that the Buyer shall indemnify Brightwell in full against all losses (including loss of profit), costs (including the cost of all labour and materials used), damages, charges and expenses incurred by Brightwell as a result of cancellation.

  4. Price of the Goods and/or Services

    4.1 The price of the goods shall be Brightwell’s quoted price or, where no price has been quoted (or a quoted price is no longer valid) the price listed in Brightwell’s published price list current at the date of acceptance of order. All prices quoted are valid for 30 days only or until earlier acceptance by the Buyer, after which time they may by altered by Brightwell without giving notice to the Buyer.

    4.2 Brightwell reserves the right, by giving notice to the Buyer at any time up to thirty days before delivery, to increase the price of the goods to reflect any increase in the cost to Brightwell which is due to any factor beyond the control of Brightwell (such as, without limitation, any foreign exchange fluctuation, currency regulation alteration of duties, significant increase in the cost of materials or other costs of manufacture), any change in delivery dates, quantities or specifications for the goods which is requested by the Buyer or any delay caused by any instructions of the Buyer or failure of the Buyer to give Brightwell adequate information or instructions PROVIDED that the Buyer may cancel this contract within seven days of any such notice from Brightwell (time being of the essence).

    4.3 Estimates for the fees and expenses payable for the services and the timescales for payment (if in instalments) shall be as set out in the service specification.

    4.4 All prices and fees are exclusive of any applicable Value Added Tax (“VAT”) which shall be due at the rate ruling on the date of Brightwell’s invoice.

  5. Terms of Payment

    5.1 Subject to any special terms agreed in writing between the Buyer and Brightwell, Brightwell shall be entitled to invoice the Buyer for the price of the goods on or at any time after the goods have been dispatched to or, where applicable, made available for collection by the Buyer at Brightwell’s premises.

    5.2 The Buyer shall pay the price of the goods within 30 days of the end of the month in which Brightwell’s invoice is raised.

    5.3 Unless any special terms are agreed in writing between the Buyer and Brightwell or contained in the service specification, invoices in respect of fees and expenses for the provision of services shall be payable within 30 days of issue.

    5.4 Time of payment shall be of the essence of the contract and receipts for payment will be issued only on request.

    5.5 If the Buyer fails to make payment in full by close of business on the due date then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Brightwell, Brightwell shall be entitled to:

    5.5.1 cancel the contract or suspend any further deliveries of goods or the provision of any further services to the Buyer; and

    5.5.2 charge the Buyer interest (both before and after any judgement) on the amount unpaid at the rate of four per cent per annum above National Westminster Bank Plc base rate from time to time until payment is made;

    5.5.3 require the Buyer to indemnify Brightwell against any reasonable legal costs or debt collection agency costs reasonably incurred by Brightwell in obtaining payment regardless of whether or not proceedings are issued.

    5.6 The Buyer may not withhold payment of any invoice or amount due to Brightwell by reason of any legal or equitable right of set off or counterclaim which the Buyer may have or allege to have or for any reason whatsoever.

  6. Delivery of Goods/Services and Force Majeure

    6.1 Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Buyer collecting the goods at Brightwell’s premises at any time after Brightwell has notified the Buyer that the goods are ready for collection or, if some other place for delivery is agreed by Brightwell (including delivery to the Buyer’s appointed carrier), by Brightwell delivering the goods to that place and the Buyer shall make all arrangements necessary to take delivery of the goods wherever tendered for delivery.

    6.2 Notwithstanding that Brightwell may have delayed or failed to deliver the goods (or any part of them) by the quoted delivery date the Buyer shall be bound to accept delivery without repudiating this contract and to pay for the goods in full providing that delivery is tendered by Brightwell within two months of the delivery date. Brightwell may deliver the goods in advance of the quoted delivery day on giving reasonable notice to the Buyer.

    6.3 Where the goods are to be delivered in instalments, each delivery shall constitute a separate contract and failure by Brightwell to deliver any one or more of the instalments in accordance with these conditions or any claim by the Buyer in respect of any one or more instalments shall not entitle the Buyer to treat the contract as a whole as repudiated.

    6.4 The location for the delivery of any services shall be at Brightwell’s premises unless provided otherwise by the service specification.

    6.5 Brightwell shall not be liable for the consequences of any delay in the delivery of goods and/or services, and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall be under no liability whatsoever for any delay in delivery or completion caused (directly or indirectly) by any one or more of the following: (a) strikes (b) lockouts (c) fires (d) accidents, whether to personnel or machinery, materials equipment or apparatus (e) defective material (f) lack of availability of material (g) delay through war or civil commotion (h) government regulations (I) acts of God or (j) any other circumstances beyond the control of Brightwell.

    6.6 If any delay shall occur through any cause mentioned in Clause 6.5 above Brightwell reserves the right to defer the delivery date or the provision of services for a reasonable time having regard to all the circumstances. If such delay occurs then either party may at its option forthwith terminate this contract by giving to the other 14 days written notice. The consequences of such cancellation shall be governed by the provisions of Clause 6.7 and in no such case shall Brightwell be responsible for any loss (whether direct, indirect, or consequential) which may result.

    6.7 If either party shall so terminate this contract the Buyer shall pay a proportionate part of the contract price for goods and/or services delivered up to the date of termination.

    6.8 Where the goods are delivered by carrier, claims for damage or loss in transit or incomplete delivery (however arising) will not be considered by Brightwell unless both Brightwell and the carrier are advised by the Buyer within 28 days of the delivery date.

  7. Risk, Property in the Goods and Inspection on Delivery

    7.1 Risk of damage to or loss of the goods shall pass to the Buyer, when:

    7.1.1 in the case of goods to be collected by the Buyer, at the time when Brightwell notifies the Buyer that the goods are available for collection; and

    7.1.2 in the case of goods to be delivered at the Buyer’s premises or such other premises as the Buyer may specify, when the goods are so delivered.

    7.2 Notwithstanding delivery or the passing of risk in the goods or any other provision contained in these conditions, the legal and equitable title in the goods shall not pass to the Buyer until:

    7.2.1 the Buyer has paid the price plus VAT in full; and

    7.2.2 no other sums whatsoever are due from the Buyer to Brightwell.

    7.3 Until title in the goods has passed to the Buyer in accordance with clause 7.2 the Buyer shall hold the goods and each of them on a fiduciary basis as bailee for Brightwell. The Buyer shall store the goods (at no cost to Brightwell) separately from goods in its possession and marked in such a way that they are clearly identified as Brightwell’s property. The Buyer shall properly protect and insure the goods.

    7.4 Notwithstanding that the goods remain the property of Brightwell pursuant to clause 7.2 the Buyer may sell or use the goods in the ordinary course of business at full market value for the account of Brightwell. Any such sale or use of Brightwell’s property by the Buyer shall be on the Buyer’s own behalf and the Buyer shall deal as principal when making such sales or dealings. Until title in the goods passes to the Buyer pursuant to clause 7.2 the entire proceeds of sale or otherwise of the goods shall be held on a fiduciary basis by the Buyer for Brightwell.

    7.5 Until such time as the property in the goods passes to the Buyer (and provided the goods are still in existence and have not been re-sold) Brightwell shall be entitled at any time to require the Buyer to deliver up the goods to Brightwell and, if the Buyer fails to do so forthwith, Brightwell may enter upon any premises of the Buyer or any third party where the goods are stored and repossess the goods. On the making of such request the rights of the Buyer under clause 7.4 shall cease.

    7.6 The Buyer shall not be entitled to pledge or in any way charge by way of security for any indebtedness any of the goods which remain the property of Brightwell, but if the Buyer does so all monies owed by the Buyer to Brightwell (without prejudice to any other right or remedy of Brightwell) shall forthwith become due and payable.

    7.7 The Buyer must inspect the goods upon delivery and report to Brightwell in writing any defects that are (or would reasonably be expected to be) apparent upon such inspection within 4 weeks of delivery (time being of the essence) and Brightwell shall not be liable for any defects that are not reported in accordance with this clause 7.7. The warranty set out in clause 8 shall not apply to any defects that would be apparent upon such an inspection and which are not reported to Brightwell in accordance with this clause.

  8. Warranties and Liability

    8.1 Subject to the conditions set out below Brightwell warrants that the goods will correspond with their specification at the time of delivery and will be free from defects in material and workmanship for such period as is specified in any quotation for the goods or in the relevant acknowledgement of order or instruction manual for such goods. The start date for any warranty period shall be the date of issue of Brightwell’s invoice for the relevant goods.

    8.2 The above warranty is given by Brightwell subject to the following conditions:

    8.2.1 Brightwell shall be under no liability in respect of any defects in the goods arising from any drawing design or specification supplied or approved by the Buyer (either expressly or under the provisions of clause 3.3).

    8.2.2 Brightwell shall be under no liability in respect of any defects arising from fair wear and tear, wilful damage, negligence, abnormal working conditions, failure to follow Brightwell’s instructions (whether oral or in writing) or industry standard practice, mis-use or alteration or repair of the goods without Brightwell’s approval.

    8.2.3 Brightwell shall be under no liability under the above warranty (or any other warranty condition or guarantee) if the total price for the goods has not been paid in accordance with these conditions

    8.2.4 The above warranty does not extend to failures in peristaltic pump heads or peristaltic tubing or rubber seals/valves or for damage arising as a result of chemicals attack (other than by chemicals recommended for use with the relevant goods) or to plant material or equipment not manufactured by Brightwell in respect of which the Buyer shall only be entitled to the benefit on any such warranty or guarantee as is given by the manufacturer to Brightwell.

    8.2.5 The above warranty shall not apply to defects that are or would reasonably be expected to be apparent on inspection at delivery and which are not reported to Brightwell by the Buyer in accordance with clause 7.7.

    8.3 Brightwell warrants that it will use reasonable skill and care in performing the services in accordance with any service specification but, unless otherwise confirmed in writing by Brightwell, provides no warranty that any result or objective can be or will be achieved or attained at all or by any specific date. If Brightwell perform any part of the services negligently or materially in breach of contract then, at any time within 6 months of receiving notification from the Buyer of such negligent performance or performance in breach, Brightwell shall have the right to re-perform such services if reasonably practicable at Brightwell’s cost.

    8.4 Subject as expressly provided in these conditions, all warranties, conditions or other terms implied by statute or common law are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

    8.5 Where any valid claim in respect of any goods which is based on any defect or quality or condition of the goods is notified to Brightwell, Brightwell shall make good by replacement or repair free of charge any defect which may appear in the goods but the goods must be returned to Brightwell for repair. This clause shall not apply to defects that are or would reasonably be expected to be apparent on inspection at delivery and which are not reported to Brightwell by the Buyer in accordance with clause 7.7.

    8.6 Except in respect of death or personal injury caused by Brightwell’s negligence, Brightwell shall not be liable to the Buyer by reason of any representation, or any implied warranty condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of the contract, for any consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (and whether caused by the negligence of Brightwell, its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the goods or their use or re-sale by the Buyer or in connection with the supply of services except as expressly provided in these conditions.

  9. Indemnity for breach of patent, copyright, design etc. and Intellectual Property

    9.1 Provided that the goods have not been sold or used contrary to Brightwell’s specific instructions and save where the goods have been produced to the Buyer’s specifications, if any claim is made against the Buyer that the goods infringe or that their use of sale infringes the patent, copyright, design, trademark or other industrial or intellectual property rights of any other person, then, subject to clause 8.6, Brightwell shall indemnify the Buyer against all loss, damages, costs and expenses awarded against or incurred by the Buyer in connection with the claim or paid or agreed to be paid by the Buyer in settlement of the claim provided that:

    9.1.1 the Buyer shall ensure that Brightwell are given full control of any proceedings or negotiations in connection with any such claim; and

    9.1.2 the Buyer shall give Brightwell all reasonable assistance for the purposes of any such proceedings or negotiations; and

    9.1.3 except pursuant to a final award the Buyer shall not pay or accept any such claim, or compromise any such claim or proceedings without the consent of Brightwell (which shall not be unreasonably withheld); and

    9.1.4 the Buyer shall do nothing which would or might vitiate any policy of insurance or insurance cover which the Buyer may have in relation to such infringement, and this indemnity shall not apply to the extent that the Buyer recovers any sums under any such policy or cover (which the Buyer shall use his best endeavours to do); and

    9.1.5 Brightwell shall be entitled to the benefit of and the Buyer shall accordingly account to Brightwell for, all damages and costs (if any) awarded in favour of the Buyer which are payable by, or agreed with the consent of the Buyer (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) to be paid by any other party in respect of any such claim; and

    9.1.6 Without prejudice to any duty of the Buyer at common law, Brightwell shall be entitled to require the Buyer to take such steps as Brightwell may reasonably require to mitigate and reduce any such loss damages costs or expenses for which Brightwell is to indemnify the Buyer under this clause.

    9.2 The Buyer shall indemnify Brightwell against all loss damages costs or expenses in respect of any infringement of any patent, copyright, design, trademark or other industrial or intellectual property rights of any other person arising directly or indirectly from the carrying out of work in accordance with the Buyer’s express or implied specifications.

    9.3 Each party shall be the owner of its respective Intellectual Property in any material or product or process which it has created (or the creation of which was undertaken by a third party which it commissioned to create such material or product or process) and which is in existence at the date the relevant contract for the provision of goods and/or services is made. Each party agrees not to use any of the Intellectual Property of the other party save for the purposes of the relevant contract. Where any new material or product or process is created during the course of the provision of any goods and/or services under the relevant contract by either party without involving the use of the other party’s confidential information then, save to the extent that such material or product or process embodies the Intellectual Property of the other party, all Intellectual Property in such new material or product or process shall belong to the party which creates it.

    9.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing where any new material or product or process is created during the course of the provision of the goods and/or services jointly by the parties or by one party using any confidential information of the other then, save to the extent that such material product or process embodies the Intellectual Property of one party, all Intellectual Property in such new material product or process shall belong to the parties jointly who shall at their joint expense take all reasonable steps to protect the same.

  10. Insolvency of the Buyer

    10.1 This clause applies if:

    10.1.1 The Buyer makes any voluntary arrangement with its creditors or becomes subject to an administration order or becomes bankrupt or goes into liquidation (otherwise than for the purposes of amalgamation or reconstruction);
    10.1.2 an encumbrancer takes possession or a receiver is appointed of any of the property or assets of the Buyer:
    10.1.3 the Buyer ceases, or threatens to cease, to carry on business:
    10.1.4 Brightwell reasonably apprehends that any of the events mentioned above is about to occur in relation to the Buyer and notifies the Buyer accordingly.

    10.2 If this clause applies then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Brightwell, Brightwell shall be entitled forthwith to determine any contract then subsisting with the Buyer and upon written notice of such determination being given to the Buyer in accordance with these conditions any subsisting contract shall be deemed to be determined but without prejudice to any claim that Brightwell may have in respect of any antecedent breach by the Buyer of any of the Buyer’s obligations under the contract.

  11. Export Terms

    11.1 Where the goods are supplied for export from the United Kingdom the contract shall be governed by Incoterms 2020.

    11.2 Payment of all amounts due to Brightwell shall be made in the manner set out in Brightwell’s acknowledgement of order.

  12. Copyright and design rights

    12.1 Brightwell reserves all rights protected by statute licence registration or common law vested in it by way of registered designs, design copyright or trademarks or trade secrets in all documents drawings plans or specifications technical data or formula or any goods or materials written down or manufactured by Brightwell and the Buyer shall not reproduce the same or cause or permit them to be reproduced without the written consent of Brightwell.

  13. General

    13.1 The Buyer shall not assign or transfer or purport to assign or transfer the contract or the benefit thereof to any third party whatsoever.

    13.2 Any notice required or permitted to be given by either party to the other under these conditions shall be in writing addressed to that other party at its registered office or principal place of business or at that party’s usual or last known place of business or to such email address as either party may provide to the other expressly for the purposes of the service of notices under the contract.

    13.3 No waiver by Brightwell of any breach of the contract by the Buyer shall be considered as a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision.

    13.4 The contract is not made for the benefit of, nor shall any of its provisions be enforceable by, any person other than the Buyer and Brightwell and their respective successors and permitted assignees.

    13.5 Any provision of this contract which is or may be void or unenforceable shall to the extent of such invalidity or unenforceability be deemed severable and shall not affect any other provision of this contract.

    13.6 The contract shall be governed by the Laws of England and all disputes arising out of this contract shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts..

¿Quiénes somos?

Queremos ser su empleador favorito; juntos, nos
comprometemos a liderar el sector y sentar las bases,
creando un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras
soluciones de higiene mediante la pasión de nuestra gente.

En Brightwell, entendemos el valor de las personas.
Trabajando con nosotros, formará parte de algo grande,
con la garantía de los valores de Brightwell/Hylab.

Valores en Brightwell

Nuestros valores corporativos nos guían en nuestras acciones diarias, desde cómo cuidamos de las personas y del planeta, hasta cómo tomamos decisiones. Inspirados por nuestra visión de crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de higiene, representamos estos valores:


Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente para cumplir con nuestros compromisos, tanto interna como externamente

Éxito colaborativo

TAprovechar los esfuerzos colectivos para lograr resultados destacados


Curiosidad & creatividad

Siempre ser inquisitivos y desafiantes para innovar



Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión por la excelencia

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas

Apoyo a la inclusión

Respetar y permitir que los demás alcancen metas comunes


Vacantes actuales

En Brightwell siempre queremos conocer a personas dinámicas comprometidas
con la calidad, la satisfacción del cliente, la innovación y el pensamiento creativo.
Ofrecemos un salario competitivo, un entorno de trabajo divertido y la oportunidad
de alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales. Si está interesado en unirse a nuestro equipo,
envíe su CV a hr@brightwell.co.uk

Cómo es trabajar aquí

En Brightwell, todos desempeñan un papel; queremos
que seas parte de nuestro hoy, de nuestro mañana y
de nuestro futuro.

Nuestra cultura permite a nuestra gente ser inquisitiva, ambiciosa y desafiar a nuestros productos; a cambio, brindamos oportunidades de crecimiento y desarrollo; en su rol actual o en uno nuevo, ¡dotándole de las herramientas adecuadas para tener éxito!

Acerca de Brightwell

Nos dedicamos a mejorar la higiene y la limpieza en todo el mundo.
Desde la dilución y dosificación química para lavandería y lavavajillas
hasta sistemas de pulverización y espumado, ofrecemos una variedad
de soluciones personalizables para llevar tu experiencia de dosificación
a un nivel superior. Nuestros productos están adaptados a sus
necesidades específicas.

La historia de Brightwell

Nuestra historia comenzó en 1947 y, con una visión clara, estamos ayudando a crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de limpieza e higiene. Basándonos en nuestra herencia familiar, hoy en día somos reconocidos como líderes internacionales en el diseño y fabricación de sistemas de dosificación eficientes y de alta calidad.

Nuestra sede central, centro de innovación e instalaciones de fabricación siguen ubicadas en el Reino Unido, donde todo comenzó. Exportamos nuestros productos internacionalmente con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España, y los distribuimos en más de 70 países con el apoyo de una red de distribuidores exclusivos.

Nuestros valores

Nuestros valores corporativos nos guían en nuestras acciones diarias, desde cómo cuidamos de las personas y del planeta, hasta cómo tomamos decisiones. Inspirados por nuestra visión de crear un mundo más limpio a través de nuestras soluciones de higiene, representamos estos valores:

Ambición responsable

Empoderar a nuestra gente para cumplir con nuestros compromisos, tanto interna como externamente

Exito colaborativo

Aprovechar los esfuerzos colectivos para lograr resultados destacados


Curiosidad y creatividad

Siempre ser inquisitivos y desafiantes para innovar


Actuar con equidad y honestidad en todas las situaciones

passion-to-excel-value-icon-light-blue_Passion to excel

Pasión por la excelencia

Inspirar a nuestros equipos a superar las expectativas

Apoyo a la inclusión

Respetar y permitir que los demás alcancen metas comunes

Descubra nuestro compromiso con la excelencia y la sostenibilidad

En Brightwell, damos prioridad a «la seguridad ante todo, la calidad siempre», demostrando nuestro compromiso con nuestros empleados y superando constantemente las expectativas de los clientes.

La sostenibilidad es parte integral de nuestras operaciones. Hemos implantado sistemas de gestión medioambiental con certificación ISO 14001:2015 para desarrollar soluciones sostenibles para nuestros clientes. Nuestro compromiso con la reducción de materiales, la reutilización siempre que sea factible y la colaboración con socios de reciclaje homologados subraya nuestra determinación de minimizar el impacto medioambiental.

Si desea información detallada sobre nuestras normas de calidad, seguridad, salud, medio ambiente y cumplimiento, visite nuestra página dedicada a QSHEC.

Asistencia mundial: a su alcance, en cualquier momento y lugar

Nuestra sede central se encuentra en el Reino Unido, donde comenzó nuestra andadura, y contamos con oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España para atender al mercado mundial.

Exportamos a más de 70 países, con el apoyo de una red de socios de confianza.


Soluciones de dilución seguras y precisas para detergentes y productos químicos

Descubra nuestros productos

Sistemas innovadores de dosificación para lavandería que aseguran resultados impecables

Descubra nuestros productos

Sistemas innovadores de dosificación para lavandería que aseguran resultados impecables

Descubra nuestros productos

Sistemas de pulverización y proyección de espuma, fiables y eficientes

Descubra nuestros productos

Su socio para un futuro
brillante juntos 

Tenemos las soluciones perfectas para usted. Nuestros sistemas de dosificación, de alta calidad y eficiencia, están diseñados de manera sostenible y fabricados por nosotros, teniendo en cuenta las cambiantes necesidades de la limpieza e higiene.

Nuestro equipo ofrece un experto en diseño interno y de fabricación propia, desde nuestra sede en el Reino Unido y nuestras oficinas en Estados Unidos, Francia, Alemania y España. Exportamos nuestros productos a más de 70 países, respaldados por una red de socios exclusivos.

El equipo de Brightwell tiene visión de futuro y continúa ampliando y mejorando nuestra amplia gama de productos. Nuestras soluciones de dosificación garantizan la higiene y la limpieza en entornos sanitarios, instalaciones de limpieza, lavanderías, cocinas profesionales, escuelas y mucho más.

Razones para elegir Brightwell


Experto en diseño interno, control de calidad y fabricación


Soluciones robustas y confiables diseñadas para durar


A medida

Opciones de diseño personalizado para hacer que nuestros sistemas sean únicos para su marca


De vanguardia

Nos enfocamos en la calidad, la innovación y la sostenibilidad para brindarle los productos más eficientes y versátiles


Consciente del medio ambiente

La sostenibilidad es parte central de nuestra filosofía, incluyendo centros de reciclaje en nuestras instalaciones


Inversión constante en I+D y nuevos diseños de productos


Certificación ISO para sistemas de gestión de calidad y medioambiental

Política de Privacidad y Cookies

This policy sets out how Brightwell Dispensers Limited (registered in England under Co No. 661996 and whose registered office is at Unit 9, Euro Business Park, Estate Road, Newhaven, BN9 0DQ, East Sussex, England) will use and protect information that you supply to us (whether via our website at www.brightwell.co.uk or otherwise). You are encouraged to read this policy thoroughly as it contains important information about what to expect when we collect personal information about you and how we will use your personal data. Should you have any queries about its contents, please feel free to ask us using any of the methods listed below under ‘Contact us’.

We keep our privacy policy under regular review. If we change our privacy policy we will post the changes on this page and may place notices on other pages of the website so that you may be aware of the information we collect and how we use it at all times.

This privacy policy was last updated in August 2021.

What does this policy cover?

This policy applies to personal data that we process, whether through our website or otherwise, as a data controller. Personal data is information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. We gather this data when you subscribe through this website to our mailing list or we process any orders you make for goods or services from us.

What personal information do we collect?

We may collect and process the following data:

your name;
your email address;
your telephone number;
your postal address;
your banking details
your IP address.
information about you from other sources (such as credit reference agencies) which we will add to the information which we already hold about you.

How is this information used by us?

We are constantly striving to improve our products and services. To help us do this it is important that we understand our customers’ needs and requirements. We may therefore use information you supply us to:

improve the appearance or performance of our website;
improve the design or range of products or services we offer;
engage with you via email about products or services that we believe you may find interesting;
engage with you via email for market research purposes.
We may also use aggregate information and statistics for the purposes of monitoring website usage in order to help us to develop our website and our goods and services. These statistics will not include information that can be used to identify you.

We also gather this information to allow us to process any orders you may make, provide goods or services to you and to communicate with you on any matter relating to the conduct of your account. If you agree, we may also contact you about other products and services we think may be of interest to you.

From time to time, we may provide your information to customer service agencies for research and analysis purposes so that we can monitor and improve the goods and services we provide. We, or our agents and sub-contractors’ may contact you by post, email or telephone to ask you for your feedback and comments on our goods and services.


We and our group companies may also wish to provide you with information about special features of our website or any other service or products we think may be of interest to you. If you agree to us providing you with marketing information, you can always opt-out at a later date.
We may also want to provide you with related information from third parties we think may be of interest to you. If you would rather not receive this information, please send an email to sales@brightwell.co.uk. If you agree to us providing you with marketing information, you can always opt-out at a later date.

Who do we share this information with?

We may share some of your information with our suppliers but only the extent that such information is reasonably and properly required in order to satisfy an order for goods or services.

If our business is sold or integrated with another business your details may be disclosed to our advisers and any prospective purchasers and their advisers and will be passed on to the new owners of the business.

Save as indicated above we will never sell any of your information or divulge it to any third party except for the purposes of communicating with you in respect of our business, products and services or those of our group companies. We will only share information with enforcement authorities where there is a legal obligation to do so.

We use Mailchimp to batch process email deliveries to you and we may share with them any or all of the data that you have consented to provide us with. Mailchimp’s privacy policy may be viewed at Global Privacy Statement | Intuit.

We use Google Analytics to analyse how our website is used and how web traffic flows through it. The only personal data we share with Google is your IP address via the cookie that is placed on your device. Google’s privacy policy may be viewed at https://policies.google.com/privacy?hl=en.

How is information protected?

We take the security of all information very seriously. Our website uses SSL certification to transfer information and our servers are located in the United Kingdom. We have also put in place physical, electronic and managerial procedures to ensure that any information that you supply to us is stored and handled securely and will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal information at all times. However, you should be aware that the use of the Internet is not entirely secure and for this reason we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information which is transferred from you or to you via the Internet.

The information you provide may be transferred to countries outside of the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA) that do not have similar protections in place regarding your data and restrictions on its use as set out in this policy. However, we will take steps to ensure adequate protections are in place to ensure the security of your information and any transfer of information outside of the United Kingdom or the EEA will only occur to the extent that such transfer is reasonably and properly required in relation to any order for our goods and services.

How long will the information be kept by us?

The information we hold about you will be stored for as long as we share a business relationship. If you choose to unsubscribe from communications from us we will delete all of your personal information from our records within 30 days. If we receive a notification that a communication we have sent to you was undeliverable then we will attempt to contact you via an alternative method in order to make sure that we have the right contact information. If we are still unable to make contact with you we will delete all of your personal information from our records within 30 days. You also have a right to request the deletion of your data – see ‘Access to your information and updating and correcting your information’ below.

Opting in and out of receiving communications from us

By completing the ‘Contact us’ form on our website (or by signing anything to similarly indicate such consent), you consent to receive communications from us that we will send to you with regards to our business, products and services and those of our group companies. On each communication you receive from us there will be a clearly marked link which will allow you to readily unsubscribe from all further communications.

You may also withdraw your consent to receive communications from us at any time by emailing us at sales@brightwell.co.uk or by writing to us at the address detailed in the section below entitled “Contact us”.

How we use cookies

Cookies are small files placed on your browsing device to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behaviour information. The information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. They also allow us to tailor your experience of our website and to help us to improve its performance overall.

Cookies cannot be used to access your device or any information stored on it. You can usually choose to prevent cookies being stored on your device by altering the settings of your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function if you remove cookies from your browser

For further information about cookies visit www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org and those websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser.

Our website may contain links to other websites which may be of interest. We have no control over, nor accept any responsibility for, their content. You are advised to exercise caution when entering any information on external websites as this privacy policy only applies to this website so, when you link to other websites, you should read their own privacy policies.

Access to your information and updating and correcting your information

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. If you would like a copy of some or all of your personal information, please send an email to sales@brightwell.co.uk or send a letter to the address detailed in the section below entitled “Contact us”. We may make a small charge for this service.

We want to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. If any of the information that you have provided to us changes, for example if you change your email address or name or payment details, please let us know the correct details by sending an email to sales@brightwell.co.uk or send a letter to the address detailed in the section below entitled “Contact us”. You may ask us, or we may ask you, to correct information you or we think is inaccurate, and you may also ask us to remove information which is inaccurate.

You have the right to have your personal data erased where it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected or processed or you withdraw your consent for us to process your personal data. You may withdraw your consent at any time.

Further information

More about the role of The Information Commissioner’s Office can be found at https://ico.org.uk

If you feel that we have not complied with our obligations or have failed to deal with a request adequately, you can make a complaint at https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/your-personal-information-concerns/.

Contact us

We welcome your views about our website and our privacy policy. If you would like to contact us with any queries or comments you can contact us by any of the following:

Telephone: +44 (0) 1273 513566
Facsimile: +44 (0) 1273 516134
Email: sales@brightwell.co.uk
Write: Unit 1, Rich Industrial Estate, Avis Way, Newhaven BN9 0DU